Tattoo Aftercare
Leave bandage on for one hour after artist wraps tattoo.
*Wash hands thoroughly before removing bandage.*
After hands are clean, wash tattoo with antimicrobial soap or Dial antibacterial fragrance free pump soap
(Be sure not to use any kind of fragrance soap or bar soap.)
Use warm water to rinse off soap residue from tattoo.
After tattoo is completely clean,
pat dry your tattoo with a fresh (clean) paper towel.
Do not use a hand towel or cloth.
Let your tattoo air out for 10 minutes.
When tattoo is completely dry use a very light amount of Redemption Tattoo Aftercare to keep tattoo from drying out and cracking.
(It is crucial to use a small amount of ointment! Your tattoo will take longer to heal when too much ointment is used!)
Wash your tattoo three times a day for the next two weeks, repeating the steps above.
(Always keep your hands clean before washing or touching your tattoo in its healing stages!)
Once tattoo flakes and peels, please do not pick at tattoo or pull off any scabs.
Do not go swimming or submerge your tattoo in any water
ie: hot tub, lake, ocean, pool, bath, or sauna.
Sweating on a tattoo can cause prolonged healing as well.
*Showering is recommended but please be mindful of your tattoo*
Once your tattoo is fully healed expect it to take about a month and you can go back to your normal
lotion and skin-care practices
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Harvest Moon Tattoo Company at:
(630) 967-8558
We appreciate your business and can't wait to see your tattoo in it's healed state!
It is our goal to make sure your tattoo heals perfectly!